Invitation: Seminar on Post-Crisis Wealth Management Aug. 25 - 29
In 2008 investors experienced a financial collapse with a magnitude not seen since the Great Depression. In 2009 and 2010 the financial crisis spilled over into the real economy resulting in what has been named the Great Recession. However, indications are that the Great Recession might be over sooner than we thought possible. Can this really happen and how could it affect your investments?
Want to know more? Then join us and be inspired by listening to different views on the development of the financial markets. We proudly present a number of highly acclaimed speakers from the international world of finance and economics. Among others the list includes professors, economic strategists, CEOs and lawyers. To see the list of speakers, please download the invitation below and see page 12-13. The seminar language will be English.
Please Note: The date for the seminar is Aug. 25 - 29, 2010.