Welcome to The Woodward Report, where experiences count
Ten years ago, Joseph Pine's book "The Experience Economy: Work is Theater & Every Business a Stage" defined how providing experiences, instead of simply goods and services could boost revenue, loyalty and even create entirely new markets. Pine's thoughts have been called one of the ten ideas that are changing the world by Time Magazine, but are they still relevant? Pine says yes, and explains why.
Dr. Mads Qvotrup knows a little about experiences. He had one on Savile Row, the same street in central London where James Bond, Winston Churchill and Prince Charles have all had their suits tailored.
And when the going gets cold, we go south. To Portugal. To see what a "Ready to Wear" luxury home looks like from the inside.
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Thanks to SchveizerBageriet, Legeland.dk, Quinta Properties and the fine tailors of Savile Row for their help and input.